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Brown Black and Red
Brown Black and Red
Brown Black and Red
Brown Black and Red

Pheasant Handled Walking Stick

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Product Code: 4047

Price: £96.60 (£80.50 ex VAT)
104.09 USD, 96.67 EUR, 756.21 CNY, 15,699.52 JPY

A lovely collector's walking stick, this has a hardwood shaft, brass collar and resin head, styled to look like a pheasant's head.

Ambulists, or collectors of walking sticks can never have too many novelty sticks. Greatly beloved of interior designers for hall pots, collectors' sticks are unusual, sometimes whimsical and always treasured.

If the owner actually uses the stick, it often becomes an object of interest. The endearing green frog stick for example, will frequently cause passers by to stop and ask the user where he or she came by such a thing.

To measure someone for a walking stick, ask them to stand with their weight evenly on both feet, looking straight ahead and with their arms relaxed by their sides. You then need to measure from the floor to the prominent bone of the wrist. This is the length of walking stick required. Please note this is just a rule of thumb. If the person has special needs, they may need to be measured by a medical professional. Alternatively they may have personal preferences for a longer or shorter walking stick.

These are collector's canes, they need to be handled with care. Collector's canes are not designed for orthopaedic use. If dropped on a hard surface, the resin heads will shatter. We will not issue refunds for damaged heads.

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Brown and black wrist loops in actionThis braided and elasticated brown wrist loop is a handy accessory for any walking stick user. It means it is no longer necessary to stoop down to pick up a fallen walking stick, as the stick is always attached to your wrist. The elasticated section fits most sizes of walking stick, simply pop off the rubber ferrule and slip it onto the shaft. (Stick not included.)Add Brown Wrist Loop For Walking Sticks

(£2.50 ex VAT)
3.23 USD, 3.00 EUR, 23.48 CNY, 487.56 JPY

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Cane Holder Our handy walking stick holder is shown here on a beech stick. This non-slip pad and clip fits most sticks or canes and is very useful when at shop counters, as it saves bending down to pick up your walking stick.Add Walking Stick Holder

(£4.04 ex VAT)
5.22 USD, 4.85 EUR, 37.95 CNY, 787.90 JPY

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Any questions? Call Sara or Paul on 01494 775577 (if not from UK please call 0044 1494 775577) Mon-Fri 9.30 a.m. to 5.00p.m.